July 3, 2017
When it comes to the laws and rule that govern Atlanta GA construction, the use of construction elevators in most industrial constructions is a requirement. There are parameters set in each State on the nature of constructions that require construction elevators to be used.
Construction elevators are important in any major construction as they help in the movement of equipment, building materials and people to the desired points or locations within the construction.
The type of construction elevator you chose will be determined by the kind of construction you’re engaged in and what you need moving about. Ultimately, it is important that the construction elevators you pick are dependable, safe and meet your specific needs.
Several factors come to play when deciding on the ideal construction elevator for the job at hand. Below are some of the most popular kinds of lifts and hoist used in construction and what they can be useful for.
1. General Lifts, Construction Hoists, and Platforms
These construction elevators incorporate a variety of products, which offer access to mid-rise and high-rise elevations. They can be used to carry hundreds or even several thousand pounds in weight at a go.
They are simple kinds of lifts that include scissor lifts or modified as snug scaffolding hoists.
2. Industrial Elevators
These kind of construction elevators are similar to construction hoists with the exception of the additional safety mechanisms found in them. They also often come with environment and weather protection mechanisms. They are also constructed to provide adequate protection from exposure to hazardous materials, chemical exposure or even extreme weather conditions. They are often customized and so you’ll find that they come in varying configurations and designs to suit specific needs. To use them specialized training is required as they are more sophisticated than regular construction elevators used in smaller commercial projects.
If you’re going to hire this kind of elevators, you should also prepare to spend a pretty penny on them as they do not come cheap and their maintenance is also quite costly.
3. Material Hoists
These are temporary lifts sometimes referred to as boiler hoists and commonly used in commercial and industrial construction applications. The vary greatly in size and design with smaller ones being used to maneuver smaller spaces in the construction while the larger lifts have the capacity to carry cargo thousands of pounds heavy. They are readily available and if you need to hire them for your construction, you will find that they are more affordable than the industrial construction elevators.
4. Transport Platforms
These are very similar to material hoists the main difference being that they have a platform over which items are moved from one position to the other during construction or lifted from one level to another. They are not used for moving people from one level to another because being platforms there is no enclosure and would therefore not be deemed safe for movement of personnel in the construction.
Click Here to find out more information about renting or purchasing a construction elevator.